Environment the biggest issue today
Roy Morgan recently reported that a record high 41% of Australians regard environmental problems as the major concern facing Australia. This compares to 22% who consider economic issues the most important. These findings highlight the importance of environmental issues to many Australians and have not gone unnoticed by many lenders.

Environment the biggest issue facing us today
If you are concerned about the environment, and want a home loan from a lender that shares your concerns, these ‘green’ home loans might be the answer.
Lenders that do not invest in fossil fuels
Many lenders have acted positively and refuse to invest in companies that promote fossil fuels. ME Bank was one of the most proactive of the smaller lenders, signing the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015. “ME does not invest in the mining industry, including coal and gas exports, and does not intend to do so in the future”, states the ME press release from the time. Adelaide Bank (which includes Bendigo Bank) is another lender who takes an active approach to fossil fuel investing. They say “In respect of our own carbon footprint we make conscious decisions to reduce and offset our impact and we help others do the same by offering green products and services. As we do not currently lend to projects in the coal and coal seam gas sectors, we are simply taking a pragmatic approach that says it makes no sense to broaden our footprint by starting to do so”.
Green home loan policy
Other lenders have also committed to a green home loan policy. Bank Australia has many initiatives that support the planet including establishing a Conservation Reserve to offset the environmental impacts of new home constructions they finance, staying carbon neutral, committing to action on climate change and not loaning money to the fossil fuel industry, including coal and coal seam gas projects.
Ratecity recently posted this article which lists a range of lenders that have green policies.